Beacon Hill Chiropractic Clinic

Verified on December 17th, 2011
Chiropractic care including Diversified
Techniques, Activator and A.K. We also
have Registered Massage Therapists and
do Custom Orthotics with Gait Scan
technology. Therapies include
noninvasive acupuncture and infrared
light therapy.
The Beacon Hill Chiropractic Clinic now has computerized
instrument adjusting of the spine available. Dr. Vandervoort and Dr.
Bordeleau have invested in the most advanced technology availabe
to the profession to better serve their patients. There is no longer
any need to crack or twist your spine to assess and adjust with this
technology. Using oscillating percusion you can have your spinal
problems, tendon and muscle injuries treated precisely and gently
with this amazing state of the art equipment. Instant feedback on
your spinal health status and the change immediately following the
correction is shown on the computer screen where muscle
imbalances, mis-alignments and joint restrictions are precisely
identified. Currently this technology is only available in the Ottawa
region at the Beacon Hill Chiropractic Clinic. Call for more
information or to arrange a complimentary demonstration of 21st
century chiropractic care!
Ottawa, ON
P: 613-747-0444