Floss Dental Hygiene Care

Verified on February 28th, 2014
Dental hygiene care in a
relaxed setting. We provide
oral hygiene services
including scaling, root planing,
polishing, fluoride, tooth
whitening, sports mouth
guards, and oral hygiene
Floss Dental Hygiene Care is an independent dental hygiene clinic. We are a dental office without the dentist, which makes the environment comfortable for all: it does not have the typical dental noises or smells. We provide on-time care with no waiting around. We provide dental health care in a relaxed and peaceful atmosphere for you and your entire family. As well, we have calming music, peaceful colours, pillows and blankets, books and magazines, as well as understanding staff.
104 10325 Bonaventure Dr. Dr SeCalgary, AB
P: 403719-9805