Green Shield Floors

Verified on October 1st, 2012
We provide a UV floor refinishing
service that eliminates the need to wax,
buff, and strip. It's eco-friendly and
works on virtually all types of indoor
flooring. You'll save money, your
environment will be cleaner and
Green Shield Floors is set out to change an entire industry. The
floor product industry produces Hazmat waste, Volatile Organic
Compounds (VOCs) and Hazardous Airborne Particles (HAPs) that
have gone virtually unnoticed in our daily lives. We all walk on floors
and down hallways while not realizing how much our flooring
practices harm the environment and put our own health at risk.
These VOCs, HAPs and hazardous waste are under our noses
every day, everywhere we go — grocery stores, retail spaces,
restaurants, hospitals, medical facilities — you name it!
Green Shield Floors is committed to preserving the environment,
while still providing superior performance and value. Our goal is to
provide our customers with a product that exceeds current
Environment Canada clean air (VOC) emissions standards.
To learn more visit our website:
Vancouver, BC
P: (800) 380-6747