Bitsybird Baby Co

Verified on September 25th, 2010
Come discover a unique and modern collection of gifts for babies
and children. Each item is hand-made in beautiful Kelowna, British
Columbia. We know you'll find something perfect for that special
baby or child in your life.
One of my greatest joys in life is creating and giving beautiful and
original gifts to those I love and I am so excited to be able to share
these products with you! Designed as a haven of modern and
unique products for babies and toddlers, strives to
offer a simple and easy-to-use web-based design shop for high
quality, hand-made products for little ones. You will find fantastic
toys, charming fashions, practical items to make life with a toddler
a little easier, and stunning presents that will be the highlight at
special occasions.
Kelowna, BC
P: 250-801-7237