Canadian College of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Verified on April 10th, 2019
For thousands of years, Chinese medicine has provided many benefits to those who practice it. Prioritizing mental and physical health, Chinese medicine incorporates a unique blend of herbal remedies, exercise, yoga, meditation and so much more. With this goal in mind, the Canadian College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (CCTCM) serves to inform and educate people about the benefits of Chinese medicine. With vast amounts of knowledge, CCTCM believes that successful graduates can become traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists who will further share their knowledge and experience about to Chinese medicine to educate others. The CCTCM offers a wide variety of courses and workshops taught and hosted by experienced professionals in the field of Chinese medicine.
The Canadian College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (CCTCM) seeks to teach and provide the knowledge of the basics of Chinese medicine. The college educates young people about the benefits of practicing Chinese medicine via courses and workshops held annually.
P: 905-606-0062