GO! Pest Control™

Verified on January 12th, 2021
GO! Pest Control™ operates in Ottawa NCR and Toronto GTA and provides pest and wildlife control, removal, and prevention in commercial, industrial, and residential properties.
GO! Pest Control™ is a pest control and wildlife removal company that operates in the Ottawa NCR and Toronto GTA regions. Our pest control services and programs include commercial pest control, industrial pest control, residential pest control, wildlife control and removal, bird management, pest prevention, and pest proofing. We adhere to Government laws and the Ontario Exterminator Code of Ethics. Our team of Pest Control & Extermination experts, who are highly trained and fully licensed, will visit your site and assess the nature of the infestation. They will then inform you of our professional rates for the pest extermination or removal process, the environmentally-friendly chemicals and humane methods they will use, and the preventive measures they take to prevent future infestation. We can get rid of rats and mice by extermination and removal or sealing their entry points into your property. We will use specialized and safe techniques to find squirrels, skunks, and raccoons and trap the animals. We will move them away from your premises to another habitat where they cannot bother human beings and advise you on taking specific measures to prevent their return. These can include sealing entry points and not keeping food and water readily available. We can also relocate pigeons and other birds that have become a nuisance and undertake the extermination of insects like cockroaches, ants, carpenter ants, skunk bugs, bed bugs, ticks, wasps, and flies. We are known for implementing precise and long-term solutions to safeguard your property from pests and for our excellent customer service. For more information about our pest control services, please visit us at https://www.gopestcontrol.ca/pest-control-and-wildlife-removal/ & https://www.gopestcontrol.ca/blog/.
P: +1.613.366.2202