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C.J. Hayden

C.J. Hayden is the author of Get Clients NOW! Thousands of business owners and salespeople have used her simple sales and marketing system to double or triple their income. Get a free copy of "Five Secrets to Finding All the Clients You'll Ever Need" at

Articles by C.J. Hayden

In Marketing, An Action Step is Worth a Thousand Words

September 30th, 2007

Self-employed professionals spend a great deal of their marketing effort on searching for the right words. But if you are letting that hold you back from taking action, it is time to rethink your approach.

10 Ways to Get Your Marketing Unstuck

August 31st, 2007

Have you ever found yourself coming up with a marketing strategy and then never using it? Here are 10 ways to move your marketing forward.

An Action Step is Worth a Thousand Words

June 30th, 2007

Finding the right words to market your business is important, but don't mistake your wordsmithing for productive action. Crafting a good marketing message and delivering it effectively are not at all the same thing.

Being Unique is a Good Thing ... Isn't It?

August 31st, 2006

As a new entrepreneur you will want to make sure that your business stands apart from the competition. Beware, however, of getting caught into taking an approach that is too different.