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Marilyn Strong


Marilyn has spent most of her life marketing one thing or another. If she wasn't selling Girl Guide Cookies she was promoting fundraisers for her competitive swim club. A degree in Recreation and Sociology took her to Castlegar BC in 1976 and she's lived there since.

From coordinating college student activities to desktop publishing and design to developing marketing plans and communication plans to selling advertising for the Spokane newspaper, Marilyn has had a varied communications background. In 1992 she became the publisher of a community newspaper and by the end of 1995 along with the staff, turned it into an award winning, profitable newspaper.

In 1996 she left the paper and became the CEO of The Strong Communication Group Inc. Today she writes about the new economy as it is unfolding in the Kootenay region of BC. She earns her living by coaching and training entrepreneurs both in the Kootenays and around the world to understand how a digital economy will change the market of every product and service available. She is a regular participant in many Internet marketing discussion groups and in her spare time, stares at the trees in the forest outside her window, watches the birds at the bird feeder and chases the deer and elk out of her garden.

Company bio

The Strong Communication Group Inc. is a marketing communications company based near Castlegar in the beautiful West Kootenay region of British Columbia.

TSCG Inc. develops marketing plans for the 21 century including marketing communications strategies for entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial companies. TSCG offers marketing training programs and delivers those programs on the Internet and through traditional methods.

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