The New $5 and $10 Polymer Notes Are Coming in November
By Bank of Canada | June 1, 2013
Canada's new $5 and $10 polymer bank notes were unveiled on 30 April at the Bank of Canada's Ottawa head office, and from aboard the International Space Station. Both of the new notes will begin circulating, at the same time, this November. Canada's new polymer notes are easy to check - all five denominations have the same leading-edge security features. But bank notes are secure only if you check them. Remain vigilant and continue to check all your notes - paper and polymer.
Are your machines ready?
As the lower value $5 and $10 notes will be used extensively in self-serve machines, your equipment may need to be adapted to recognize and accept the new notes come November. The Bank of Canada encourages you to contact your supplier or manufacturer to discuss machine compatibility and plans for upgrades.
Handling new Polymer notes
Canada's new polymer bank notes will last at least two and a half times longer than paper notes. To ensure that they last as long as possible, they should be handled properly. For example, avoid creasing, crumpling, or stapling them. But if a note becomes creased or crumpled, flatten it by applying pressure or curling it in your hand.
Tips that count
Before counting a stack of new notes (paper or polymer), you can separate them by fanning, tapping or shuffling. The best technique for counting a stack of polymer notes is to hold it in one hand and use your thumb to push the bill into your other hand.
Canada's new polymer notes are a great step forward: they are strong, durable, and secure, and will serve Canadians well for years to come.
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