Step 3: Preparing your Information
Use the following worksheet to help you prepare your News Release. Jot down answers to each question, and use your answers to help you write the actual release.
What is the most important fact you wish to get across? One technique is to imagine what headline you would like to see if the media picks up your story.
What is the:
- Who? - What? - Where? - When? - How? - Why?
of your story? -
Is there a cost attached to your product or service or to your sponsorship of an event?
What special features are attached to your product, service, or event? Is it free? Half-price? The most expensive? Are you part of the fastest-growing industry? Is the award for the oldest citizen? The first through the turnstile? The first mutual fund of its type?
Are there any restrictions, activities, or hours?
Are there any other newsworthy aspects of your event, announcement, activity, product, or service?
You should now be ready to write your release, keeping in mind the tips from past sections and answers to questions that you have asked yourself. Click here to go to our online news release template.
Workshop Steps
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